The Holy Hour
The Holy Hour
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan Behan -
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan Behan -
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan Behan
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan Behan
 The Outpost, for U.K educational publisher Badger Learning
 An image of mine on Melbourne Canvas Studio's Gallery Site.
 Cover for The Poison Handbook, a book I Illustrated for U.K Educational Publisher Badger Learning
 Here is Blake, a character from The Poison Handbook, a book I illustrated for Badger Learning
Pyramid : Fine-liner pen, coloured digitally.
Pyramid : Fine-liner pen, coloured digitally.
Screenshot 2020-02-14 12.30.23.png
Lines of Eyes
Lines of Eyes
 Promotional Poster for Mitta Mitta Brewing Company.
Christmas in Paradise - Deer
Christmas in Paradise - Deer
Pigeons in Dublin City
Pigeons in Dublin City
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Image from The Poison Handbook
Image from The Poison Handbook
Georgian Dublin - Fine-liner Pen Drawing
Georgian Dublin - Fine-liner Pen Drawing
Deer Cloak : Fine-liner Pen
Deer Cloak : Fine-liner Pen
Undergrowth : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Undergrowth : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Collaboration for Lingo Fest
Collaboration for Lingo Fest
Undergrowth in Colour
Undergrowth in Colour
New Human
New Human
Gryla - Monsters of Yule - Winter 2016
Gryla - Monsters of Yule - Winter 2016
Windows Part 2 : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Windows Part 2 : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Starling : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Starling : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Tower Party
Tower Party
Swan : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Swan : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Hiders: Part 2
Hiders: Part 2
 Image from 'The Poison Handbook' a children's book I Illustrated for Badger Learning
The Holy Hour
The Holy HourImage for the Museum of Literature Ireland's audio visual exhibition about the Irish Poet Brendan Behan titled "The Holy Hour: Requiem for Brendan Behan" The image is large scale (A0) and has many applications - it was delivered to the client in layers and was to be used in an audio visual projected instillation and also for promotional materials, brochures, and merchandise. A line drawing version was also provided as a children's colouring in sheet in the kids area of the museum. The audio visual installation was written by the Irish novelist and poet Patrick Mc Cabe
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan Behan -
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan Behan - The audio visual installation with my piece at The Museum of Literature, Ireland
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan Behan
The Holy Hour: Requim for Brendan BehanAn image from the audio visual exhibition in The Museum of Literature, Dublin.
 The Outpost, for U.K educational publisher Badger Learning
The Outpost, for U.K educational publisher Badger Learning
 An image of mine on Melbourne Canvas Studio's Gallery Site.
An image of mine on Melbourne Canvas Studio's Gallery Site.
 Cover for The Poison Handbook, a book I Illustrated for U.K Educational Publisher Badger Learning
Cover for The Poison Handbook, a book I Illustrated for U.K Educational Publisher Badger Learning
 Here is Blake, a character from The Poison Handbook, a book I illustrated for Badger Learning
Here is Blake, a character from The Poison Handbook, a book I illustrated for Badger Learning
Pyramid : Fine-liner pen, coloured digitally.
Pyramid : Fine-liner pen, coloured digitally.Pyramid is a part of 'Mysteries of the Deep' , a collection of drawings inspired by ancient submerged ruins.
Screenshot 2020-02-14 12.30.23.png
Lines of Eyes
Lines of EyesConcept work for headscarf company Blom
 Promotional Poster for Mitta Mitta Brewing Company.
Promotional Poster for Mitta Mitta Brewing Company.
Christmas in Paradise - Deer
Christmas in Paradise - DeerChristmas is hiding from…well…Christmas! This image is one of a collection of six. Christmas has escaped to the Tropics. Find Christmas hiding among tropical nature.
Pigeons in Dublin City
Pigeons in Dublin CityA poster I created to sell as greeting cards and prints
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Rime of the Ancient MarinerThis drawing of an under sea wreath was to illustrate my favourite verse from the ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Image from The Poison Handbook
Image from The Poison Handbook Doc, from The Poison Handbook - for Badger Learning
Georgian Dublin - Fine-liner Pen Drawing
Georgian Dublin - Fine-liner Pen DrawingSummer in Dublin can be truly magnificent.
Deer Cloak : Fine-liner Pen
Deer Cloak : Fine-liner PenDeer Cloak is a part of the Yule collection, a series of images inspired by old European pagan traditions.
Undergrowth : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Undergrowth : Fineliner Pen DrawingUndergrowth is a drawing I made in honor of Bealtine, the Irish festival of Spring. It represents growth, death and renewal.
Collaboration for Lingo Fest
Collaboration for Lingo FestTitle: First Case of an Existential CrisisTo Accompany performer during Come Rhyme With Me Performance for Dublin Lingo Festival 2016
Undergrowth in Colour
Undergrowth in ColourThis is one of the cards from the Mysteries of the Deep series. It was inspired by Bealtine, the Pagan festival of Spring.This image started life as a fine-liner pen drawing. It was scanned and I added colour digitally. 
New Human
New HumanNon gender specific Greeting Card for a new baby
Gryla - Monsters of Yule - Winter 2016
Gryla - Monsters of Yule - Winter 2016A selection of mini cards depicting monsters from various folk cultures of Northern Europe, Christmas 2016
Windows Part 2 : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Windows Part 2 : Fineliner Pen DrawingWindows Part 2 is from Yule, a series of cards and prints informed by northern European textiles, folklore and Architecture.
Starling : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Starling : Fineliner Pen Drawing'Starling' is a part of the 'Sneaky Bird' series, a collection of 12 birds hiding in 12 different images.
Tower Party
Tower Party Poster for a party in Dublin
Swan : Fineliner Pen Drawing
Swan : Fineliner Pen DrawingSwan is a part of my Sneaky Bird series, a collection of cards and prints with a bird hiding in each one.
Hiders: Part 2
Hiders: Part 2Hiders: 2 is an A2 fine-liner drawing.
 Image from 'The Poison Handbook' a children's book I Illustrated for Badger Learning
Image from 'The Poison Handbook' a children's book I Illustrated for Badger Learning
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